The official blog of the Joint Fire Science Program

The official blog of, the Interagency Joint Fire Science Program.

May 17, 2012

The Jury is Still Out

In the Journal Ecology (93(4), 2012, pp. 939-950) are three commentaries concerning the Simard paper: Do mountain pine beetle outbreaks change the probability of active crown fire in lodgepole pine forests?

The first comment is by Christopher J. Moran and Mark A. Cochrane both of South Dakota State University.

The second comment is by W. Matt Jolly, Russell Parsons, J. Morgan Varner, Bret W. Butler, Kevin C. Ryan,and Corey L. Gucker (all associated with the Rocky Mountain Research Station except J. Morgan Varner who is at Humboldt State University).

The third is a response to the comments by the authors of the original paper - Martin Simard, William H. Romme, Jacob M. Griffin, and Monica G. Turner.

These comments raise good points and are a healthy debate about the science findings.

As I have previously stated, the science is not definitive on these questions and more work is needed to reduce uncertainty.

We will continue to post new information as it becomes available.

Keep Smilin'
Tim Swedberg
JFSP Communication Director